Achieve entrance exam success with Planet BOFA
Our unique online platform uses a 3-step formative learning process, Test Teach Retest to guide all pupils to 11+ exam success.
Fully automated using leading AI technology, let BOFA take the stress out of exam preparation.
Start here
“We’re delighted to announce the news that 56% of the Eton College King's Scholarships 2023 winners were BOFA users, up from 50% in 2022. Congratulations to every BOFA pupil with a place at Eton, with or without an award.
This achievement is a testament to their hard work and the invaluable support from their schools, parents and tutors.”
How we work...

The Planet BOFA difference
Planet BOFA tests, teaches and retests then tracks student progress, personalising each step, boosting learning with a laser-focus on weaker areas.
Blast off with BOFA!

Get ready for out-of-this world teaching with Planet BOFA
Boost learning with a laser-focus on weaker areas.
Practice questions are personalised and re-testing is bespoke – no time is wasted on areas students already know. Planet BOFA explanations are simple and easy to follow, so confidence and scores sky-rocket.
Final Destination: success! -
Planet BOFA offers a uniquely effective and holistic learning journey for each child.
They'll never come across the same question twice and our automated assessment process ensures learning is tailored to individual needs.
We've also made getting pupil testing started easier than ever.
We just need the date of their exam and date of birth.
Students love the simplicity of Planet BOFA
– even those who would normally prefer to eat broccoli rather than sit a test.
We’re #BOFANTASTIC! Apparently. -
That’s our retention rate for schools.
They like us too.